News March 2 2012

Our Field Worker, Brett, has once again departed for another visit to China to oversee the progress

in various projects that Share Global is partnering with the local friends.

His focus will be on the orphanage that has been established in the northern area from his base as
well as paying a visit to the Home for the Elderly in another province. Keeping in contact with others
workers and national people he associates with is always an important feature of Brett’s visits.

He is being accompanied for the first stage of this visit by Ken who had a very inspiring time in China
last year and is enthusiastic about this return trip.

Alistair also went with Brett last year and if circumstances permit he may be able to make the
journey to China as well.

Brett is intending to be in China until the beginning of May so please keep all in your thoughts over
this time and especially think of Beryl as she holds the fort back home.

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